Blue Heaven on Sunday

Three characters. Andrew Talbert…yeah that’s me, Tall Paul, and Jimmy Jeffreys.

There is a tradition at meeting of the minds each year. Sunny Jim started this gig many years ago. Everyone shows up at Blue Heaven on Sunday and all the musicians in town come by to jam. It is very cool and always a packed house. It is like the last party before everyone goes home. Generally it goes on most of the afternoon and always the drinks are flowing and people are shaking hands and hugging all the women. What a cool tradition.
Here is a picture of me and Tall Paul with my chief photographer pal Jimmy Jeffreys. Jimmy and I travel well together and our war stories go back many years. I cannot tell you how many concerts we have attended or even how many times we have been to Key West. Not to mention I know both his daughters and his life history. It is all a blur but there is one constant. Life is short and we know how to have a good time.
Any picture on this trip taken of me and someone as well as a few others was either taken by Jimmy or a musician, so thanks to Jimmy for helping me document the trip. We will be back again – soon.

Here is a link to more of Jimmy’s photos. I think last month he had hundreds of thousands of hits to his picture site: